Need for speed: Slow loading websites cost retailers nearly £60bn in lost sales each year

The findings come as a stark reminder for retailers that website speed is paramount and their user experience must be top notch. With over half of Brits (54%) claiming slow loading speeds are the primary reason they abandon an online purchase, it’s clear that fast-loading websites are essential to keep customers happy and drive sales.

Website speed is also vital for search engine rankings, as Google now prioritises mobile-friendly quick loading pages. If a website’s page loading speeds are too slow, it can damage its ranking in the SERPs (search engine results pages) and reduce organic visibility, resulting in fewer potential customers finding their website.

Tips for improving website speed

1. Scale and optimise your site imagery. Over-sized images can slow down the loading speed of a website, so it’s essential to optimise your imagery and resize them accordingly.

2. Choose appropriate file formats. Moving to newer formats such as WEBP or SVG will improve the loading speed of your site and make it more efficient.

3. Compress files. Gzip compression is one of the most effective methods for optimising website performance and can decrease page size by up to 70%.

4. Utilise browser caching. This stores elements of a website in the user’s browser, allowing for faster repeat visits.

5. Minify HTML, CSS and JavaScript assets. Minification removes comments, whitespace and other redundant elements from code.

By following the above tips, retailers can help ensure their websites are fast loading, search engine friendly and able to convert more customers.

For further advice on how to optimise your website speed and improve its user experience, get in touch with our team today. We’d be more than happy to help you get the most out of your website and boost its performance.

The post Need for Speed: Slow Loading Websites Cost Retailers Nearly £60bn in Lost Sales Each Year appeared first on Infotera.

By following the tips detailed above, retailers can ensure their websites are fast loading, SEO friendly and capable of converting more customers. So don’t delay in optimising your website speed today to ensure your website is ready to take on the digital age!

If you need any help with boosting your website performance and improving its user experience, our team at Infotera are here to help. Contact us today and find out how we can help you get the most out of your website!

We understand that a website’s loading speed is essential for customer satisfaction and sales, so don’t let slow loading speeds cost you precious customers. Get in touch with us today and start optimising your website speed for success!

Make sure your website is ready to take on the digital age. Contact us today and find out how we can help you get the most out of your website with fast loading speeds! We’ll make sure your website is ready to take on the demands of modern customers and deliver a great user experience. Get in touch with us today and find out how we can help you improve your website performance!

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