Website Security: A Vital Factor To Maintain An Internet Connection

As the use of the internet expands, so too do cyberthreats. Cyberattacks are an ever-present danger and having secure website protocols is a must for everyone who uses the internet. Whether it’s to prevent data theft or simply to ensure that all operations involving online transactions or interactions remain safe and secure, a well-crafted website security system is vital.

Website security is a multi-faceted issue that involves different elements, such as encryption protocols, authentication procedures and the implementation of firewalls. It also includes setting up appropriate access rights for different users and groups and continually monitoring for any suspicious activity on the site.

Why secure your website security?

The most obvious reason is to protect yourself and your customers from malicious cyber criminals. Without the right security measures, you’re at risk of having sensitive information stolen or compromised. Apart from protecting data, website security also helps ensure that all transactions conducted on the site are safe and secure, as well as providing an additional layer of protection against spamming and online fraud.

However, it’s not just about protecting yourself and your customers; website security is also important for maintaining trust and credibility with your users. If visitors to your site encounter any issues due to poor security protocols or outdated versions of software they may perceive you as unreliable, which could significantly harm your reputation in the long run.

In order to ensure that your website remains secure and safe from potential threats, it is important to take proactive measures such as regularly updating any software used on the site, encrypting data transmissions and implementing access control systems. It is also essential to have a comprehensive security policy in place which includes details of how data should be handled and who is responsible for ensuring website security.

Finally, it is important to know that any website security measures taken should be regularly tested by an experienced third party in order to verify the effectiveness of the system and identify any potential vulnerabilities. This will help ensure that your websites remain secure and reliable over the long term.

How do I secure my website?

At Infotera, we understand the importance of website security and have a range of hosting plans that include essential protection features. Every plan comes with an SSL certificate to secure HTTPS connections, anti-DDoS protection to guard against cyberattacks, plus our new CDN Security option which can be added at any time.

We also provide customers with access to a dedicated support team who can help you set up and maintain your website security, as well as answer any queries you may have.

Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate: HTTPS security for everyone

We provide all our hosting customers with a free and unlimited Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate, to enable HTTPS protocol encryption across the entire domain of your website. Not only does this protect visitors by encrypting their data transmissions, it also helps build trust in your website as they can be sure that they are visiting the correct site.

What is an SSL certificate?

An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is a type of digital signature that is used to establish encrypted connections between web servers and clients. By establishing an encrypted connection, any data sent over the channel can be kept secure from interception or alteration by malicious third parties.

For large or small projects, our anti-DDoS protection is free

and included in all our hosting plans. Our anti-DDoS system is backed by the most powerful protections on the market, which are constantly monitored and updated to ensure your website remains secure round the clock.

We also provide optional CDN Security, a cloud-based solution that works to protect your web servers from malicious actors around the world.

Optimal protection with CDN Security

CDN Security is a cloud-based security solution that monitors and blocks malicious traffic before it even reaches your website, providing an additional layer of protection. It detects any potential threats and quickly takes action to protect both you and your users.

This service provides advanced features like real-time URL filtering to block requests containing malicious payloads, as well as data scrubbing to ensure that malicious code is removed before it can be sent back to the user.

We are committed to helping you keep your website secure so that you can focus on running a successful business. Whether you’re looking for basic protection or advanced features, we have the perfect hosting plan for you with our Security Packs. Get in touch with us today and let’s start protecting your website!

Web Application firewall (WAF)

Our CDN Security solution also includes a powerful and advanced Web Application Firewall (WAF). Built on MoD Security and the OWASP CRS data set, this option analyses requests for attack patterns, SQL injections, XSS vulnerabilities and other malicious activities.

The WAF helps to protect your website from attacks by blocking incoming requests that contain malicious payloads before they even reach your web server. With the WAF enabled, you can rest assured that your website is safe from any potential threats.

We understand how important it is to keep your website secure, and we are here to help. Our Security Packs include several features designed to protect your website from malicious actors and ensure your customers are safe. We have all the tools to keep your website secure and running smoothly. Contact us today for more information about our Security Packs!

HTTPS Redirect

HTTPS Redirect is another great way to improve the security of your website. This feature ensures that all requests sent over HTTP are redirected to HTTPS, thus encrypting all data transmissions between the visitor and the website.

With this feature enabled, you can be sure that any sensitive information exchanged between your visitors and your website will remain secure and private. This is especially important if you are collecting sensitive information such as credit card numbers or personal data.

We provide an easy to use interface that allows you to enable HTTPS Redirect with just a few clicks. Our unlimited Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate ensures that your website remains secure and protected from malicious threats at all times.

How does HTTPS Redirect work?

When a visitor accesses your website over HTTP, the request is redirected to the secure HTTPS version of your site. This ensures that all data transmitted between the two parties is encrypted, thus protecting it from potential interception or alteration by malicious third parties.

HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)

HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is an optional security feature that helps to protect your website from malicious actors. It notifies visitors’ browsers that the HTTPS version of your site should be used for all future visits, even if they are using a simple HTTP link.

How does HSTS work?

When a browser requests access to a resource on your website using HTTPS protocol, the Shared CDN adds a “Strict-Transport-Security” header containing a “max-age” field. This field indicates a duration, in seconds, from which the browser will only use HTTPS.

The visitor’s browser will then cache the information, indicating that your website must always be used in HTTPS during this period. The period is then extended automatically each time the web user visits the website.

What is HSTS?

HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is an optional security feature that helps to protect your website from malicious actors. It notifies visitors’ browsers that the HTTPS version of your site should be used for all future visits, even if they are using a simple HTTP link. This way, any attackers attempting a man-in-the-middle attack will be blocked by the visitor’s browser.

At Shared CDN, we understand how important it is to keep your website secure and have all the tools to help you do so effectively. Our Security Packs include HSTS, a Web Application Firewall (WAF) and HTTPS Redirect as well as an unlimited Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate to ensure that your website remains secure and protected from malicious actors. Contact us today for more information about our Security Pack!

Mixed Content Management

Mixed content is a common issue that needs to be addressed if you want your website to remain secure and safe. Mixed content occurs when your website loads its resources (images, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) over an insecure HTTP connection instead of through HTTPS. This can lead to problems with the security of your website, as the resources are not encrypted, making them vulnerable to attackers.

Our Mixed Content Management feature ensures that all resources on your website are loaded over HTTPS, even if they were defined in HTTP in the source code. This way, you can be sure that all of your content is securely transmitted between the visitor and your website.

Shared CDN comparison table

We provide a variety of solutions tailored to the needs of our clients. Check out our comparison table below to see which plan best suits your requirements:

CDN Basic – Included with Performance Web Hosting plans

• HTTPS Redirect

• Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate (unlimited)

• HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)

• Mixed Content Management

Security Pack – Available as an add-on to our Performance Web Hosting plans.

• Web Application Firewall (WAF)

• HTTPS Redirect

• Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate (unlimited)

• HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)

• Mixed Content Management

With our solutions, you can rest assured knowing that your website is secure from malicious threats at all times. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help keep your website safe and secure!

In this table, you will find all of the features included in each of our solutions. The CDN Basic is included free of charge with our Performance web hosting plans: simply enable it via the Infotera Control Panel.

For added peace of mind, the Security Pack is an optional add-on to the CDN Basic which includes a Web Application Firewall (WAF), with additional layers of protection.

Make sure your website is secure – contact us today!

At Shared CDN, we understand how important it is to keep your website secure and have all the tools to help you do so effectively.

Our Security Packs include HSTS, a Web Application Firewall (WAF) and HTTPS Redirect as well as an unlimited Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate to ensure that your website remains secure and protected from malicious actors. Contact us today for more information about our Security Pack!

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