The Best Website Builders For your Business

The Best Website Builders For your Business

Depend on the features you need and your technical skills. If you have coding knowledge, then you can create a website from scratch with HTML or CSS. However, if you don’t have the technical know-how, then many platforms provide an easy way to make a stunning website in no time. These drag-and-drop builders allow you … Read more

What To Do With A VPS

What To Do With A VPS

In today’s digital landscape, having a reliable hosting solution is crucial for individuals and businesses alike. Virtual Private Servers (VPS) have emerged as a popular choice due to their flexibility, performance, and affordability. This article will guide you on what to do with a VPS, from understanding its fundamentals to exploring various use cases and … Read more

How To Identify And Report Spam Emails

How To Identify And Report Spam Emails

If you think that an email may be a scam, there are several steps you can take to verify the sender and confirm whether it’s authentic. The first is to look at the email address. If it does not match up with the company or website name in the body of the message, then it’s … Read more

10 tips How to keep your children safe online


Children Safe Online Nowadays, children have access to the internet through smartphones, tablets, and other devices. While being connected to the world wide web can be beneficial for education and entertainment, it also comes with its own set of risks that parents should be aware of in order to help keep kids safe. In this … Read more

The Future Of The Internet

The Future Of The Internet

looks incredibly bright. According to Dr Bellini, “In the next ten years we’ll see even faster connections and more sophisticated online experiences as 5G technology is rolled out across the world. We’ll be able to access a wide range of services, from banking and shopping, to entertainment and health care, all at superfast speeds. ”Andrew … Read more

Need for speed: Slow loading websites cost retailers nearly £60bn in lost sales each year

Need for speed

The findings come as a stark reminder for retailers that website speed is paramount and their user experience must be top notch. With over half of Brits (54%) claiming slow loading speeds are the primary reason they abandon an online purchase, it’s clear that fast-loading websites are essential to keep customers happy and drive sales. … Read more

5 Tips For Choosing The Right Web Host

5 Tips For Choosing The Right Web Host

Finding the right web hosting plan for your website isn’t easy. With so many options available, it can feel overwhelming to decide what you need and which service would be best. But there are a few key factors you should consider when choosing your web host: Top tips for choosing the right web host 1. … Read more

Your Project Deserves Cloud Testing

Your Project Deserves Cloud Testing

To give you peace of mind that everything is functioning correctly and as intended. Cloud testing is the process of verifying software functionality and performance in a simulated environment that mirrors your site’s live environment. By running tests on more than one platform, it allows you to test a wide range of scenarios that could … Read more